Erio Tosatti


Personal data

Birth: 9 November 1943, Nonantola (Italy)

Nationality: Italian

Marital status: Married, 3 children

Address: SISSA, via Bonomea 265, I-34136 Trieste, Italy

ICTP, Strada Costiera 11, I-34014 Trieste, Italy

Phone: +39-040-3787-438 (SISSA); -437 secretary; -528 fax

+39-040-2240289 (ICTP); -540 secretary; -410 fax

E-mail: ,




1967 Degree in Physics, University of Modena, cum Laude

1970 Physics Doctorate, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, magna cum Laude.



1977-now Co-founder and Scientific Consultant , Condensed Matter Group, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste

1980-2014 Professor and founder of Condensed Matter Theory Group, International School For Advanced Studies (SISSA),Trieste

2003-now Chairman, ICTP Scientific Programmes Office

1970-71 Weather forecast service, Italian Air Force

1971-76 CNR Researcher, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

1972-73 Royal Society/NATO Fellow, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK

1974 DFG Stipendium, University of Stuttgart, Germany

1977 Senior NATO Fellow, Stanford University, USA

1977-80 CNR Senior Researcher, and Physics Lecturer, University of Trieste

1984-85 Visiting Scientist, IBM Zurich Research Center

2002-03 Acting Director, ICTP, Trieste



Italian Physical Society

European Physical Society

American Physical Society (Fellow, and life member)



The Francesco Somaini Triennial Physics Prize, Como, 1997

Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2001

Tate Medal for Int’l Leadership in Physics, American Institute of Physics,

Washington DC, 2005

Corresponding Member, Accademia Nazionale del Lincei, Rome, 2006

Foreign Associate, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., 2011

Member, Accademia Istituto Lombardo (Brera), Milan, 2012


Named Lectures

The Eli Burstein Lecture Award, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1994

The Alessandro Volta Medal and Lecture, Pavia, 2011

The Enrico Fermi Colloquium, LENS, Florence, 2011


Publications and impact

Books (including Edited) 12

Articles and Review Articles in journals and books approx 500

Total Citations (Google Scholar Citations) approx 18,500

Hirsch index H (Google Scholar Citations) approx. 72

PhD Thesis Students Supervised 1981-2014 34


Current Research Interests

Theory of Nanofriction

Mott Insulating and Superconducting States of Fullerides and Organics

Theory of Metallic and Magnetic Nanocontacts

Strong Electron Correlations at Surfaces

Physics of Ultra-High Pressures

Quantum Effects near Ferroelectric and Structural Phase Transitions